The Real Raw You Podcast

087: 5 Sneaky Signs of a Gut Imbalance

Katie Duda

We all know of the obvious signs you have an imbalanced gut -- bloating, gas, cramps, belching, and diarrhea. But what about the not so obvious signs such as fatigue, skin problems, or memory loss? The gut microbiome plays a role in nearly every single function of the human body- from weight loss, skin, immunity, energy levels, teeth, and more. This episode uncovers 5 sneaky signs that may not commonly be correlated to an unhealthy gut, but should be. 

Episode Highlights:

  • An overview of the gut microbiome
  • All of the major axis points in the body that are connected to the gut microbiome 
  • 5 overlooked symptoms of an imbalanced gut 
  • The 4 main common types of digestive distress
  • How to test for the status of your gut health 
  • Why probiotics might be making your gut imbalance worse

Enjoy the show!

Organic Acids Test I took here.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this episode is for educational and informational purposes only. Consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

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