The Real Raw You Podcast

081: My Birth Story– Tips on Giving Birth Naturally and a Few Shocking Surprises

Katie Duda

Buckle up! This episode I retell the story of my beautiful water birth of my second child, Charlie. I hope you can learn from my story and it helps you feel empowered as you prepare for your own birth.

Episode Highlights:

  • •How to mentally and physically prepare for having a natural labor 
  • •What things can get in the way of labor progressing promptly 
  • •How to advocate for yourself throughout the entire birthing experience
  • •What was in my birth center bag
  • •Why I switched care teams at 29 weeks
  • •How to have the birth of your dreams, regardless of the outcome
  • •How Charlie's birth took us all by surprise (have to wait until the end to find out!)
  • •Snack and hydration tips for enduring a natural labor
  • & so much more!

Enjoy the show!

Resources/Podcasts Mentioned:
The incredible Doula we worked with for both of my labors:, Alicia
2. Where I delivered Charlie in Minneapolis, MN -- Willow Midwife + Birthing Center

Disclaimer: The information provided in this episode is for educational and informational purposes only. Consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

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