The Real Raw You Podcast

080: What Every Woman Should Know about their Thyroid: Signs of a Problem and How to Fix it

Katie Duda

With 1 in 8 women experiencing a thyroid issue today, it is imperative that we provide more robust education around the topic and address the question, Why are Thyroid Imbalances so prevalent today? In this episode we take a deeper look into thyroid problems, signs to look out for and how to heal your thyroid holistically. 

Episode Highlights: 

  • What causes the thyroid gland to be thrown off?
  • A protocol for healing your thyroid holistically 
  • Hacks for supporting your thyroid before reaching for the medication 
  • Why conventional lab work misses a huge part of the overall story when looking at thyroid health
  • What to ask your functional ND to run to determine your overall thyroid health
  • How the Brain + Gut + Liver are all involved in the success of the thyroid 

Enjoy the show!

New to learning about the Thyroid? Listen to my episode on Thyroid Health 101 - here.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this episode is for educational and informational purposes only. Consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

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