The Real Raw You Podcast
The Real Raw You Podcast
079: Is Your Nervous System Keeping You From Healing?
If I were only allowed to rebalance 2 areas of the body, it would be the gut & nervous system. The reason being is that without a healthy functioning gut and balanced nervous system that feels safe, nothing else that you do to try and achieve optimal health will matter. In this episode we will cover what your nervous system is, its importance and secrets to healing
Our bodies main goal is to protect us – so use your symptoms as feedback from your body signaling to you if something is or isn't working. If you feel like you have tried “all of things” when it comes to weight loss, supplements, exercise & diet, yet continue to remain stuck and unable to heal… this episode is for you!
Topics discussed:
- The missing factor in how you got sick and how you will ultimately get well
- How stress turns off certain hormones, and shuts down thyroid production and fertility
- Symptoms your body is in fight or flight
- How fight or flight is activated
- What Adrenal Fatigue means
- How to de-stress in a Western-based culture
- What to do if your nervous system is overstimulated
- How to start bringing safety in your body, starting with diet and lifestyle
- How to stop the stress response in your body in order to finally heal
Enjoy the show!
Disclaimer: The information provided in this episode is for educational and informational purposes only. Consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.
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